Character Name: Condemnéd
Class: Deathknight
A link to your armoury:
Previous guild and reason for leaving: Wasnt happy in the guild, and some of the people weren't to my liking
Why did you choose to apply to Fission Mailed: I stayed guildess for a few days, just searching for a guild that id like to join for some fun and to make some friends n the way ^^.
What do you expect from us as a guild: From Fission Mailed, id expect a good time, and some Progress
Current Raid Experience:My current raiding experience, varys between my Deathknight and my Warlock, On my Deathknight Ive cleared all of Naxxrammas10/25, sartharion normal, and when i was on guild runs for Malygos, there was always lag issues sadly, on my warlock, ive cleared Naxxrammas 10/25, Malygos10/25, Sartharion10/25 (2 drakes) , overall its a bit of a mix and match between characters, however i can play my characters very well, and id like to be given the chance to show that i can play well
Pre Wotlk Raiding Exp: On my Deathknight, Ive cleared AQ40, Onyxia, MC, ZG, Obviously in WOTLK
, and on my Warlock it was made in TBC, but i have also cleared those Raids on my Warlock as well, most in TBC
Are you able to use Ventrilo: Yes, im rarely off it