Character Name: Damo
Class: Mage
A link to your armoury:
Location: Värnamo
Nationality: Sweden
Age: 18
Previous guild and reason for leaving: <Death jesters> <Immortal conspiracy>
Not hardcore/good enough Don't even know if they raid...
Why did you choose to apply to Fission Mailed: I'm looking for a harder guild, i want some hardcore! x)
What do you expect from us as a guild:I expect that you raid atleast 3 days a week, and hopefully bring me ^_-
Current Raid Experience:
Zul'Gurub - Cleared
Ahn'Qiraj 20 - Cleared
Molten Core - Cleared
Onyxia's Lair - Cleared
Blackwing Lair - Cleared
Ahn'Qiraj 40 - Cleared
Naxxramas - Nope
Karazhan - Cleared
Zul'Aman - Cleared
Gruul's Lair - Cleared
Magtheridon's Lair - Cleared
Serpentshrine Carvern -Cleared
Tempest Keep: The Eye - Cleared
Mount Hyjal - Cleared
Black Temple - Cleared
Sunwell Plateau - Nope, I quitted for a while, waited for WOTLK
Naxx (normal):Cleared
Obsidian Sanctum (normal):Cleared
Eye of Eternity (normal): I've never killed him, but I've had alot of tries on him and i do know the tacts really well.
Naxx (heroic):Cleared
Obsidian Sanctum (heroic):Cleared
Eye of Eternity (heroic): I've never killed him, but I've had alot of tries on him and i do know the tacts really well.
Are you able to use Ventrilo: Ofcourse! And I'm not affraid to talk either!