Character Name: Kniggen
Class: Warrior
A link to your armoury:
Location: Sweden, Skåne
Nationality: Swedish
Age: 17
Previous guild and reason for leaving: I left my old guild because they were inviting to many random guys which couldn't play their classes and messed up raids and such, what more can I say?
Why did you choose to apply to Fission Mailed: I heard from a friend (he's in your guild) that you were a good raiding guild, social and mature.
What do you expect from us as a guild: Friendly class leaders, officers, everything. Normal demands, you know. The usual.
Current Raid Experience: Obsidian Sanctum (25 man), Naxxramas (25 man). Didn't do Malygos yet.
Pre Wotlk Raiding Exp: Zul'Aman, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, Karazhan, some bosses in SSC aswell.
Are you able to use Ventrilo: Yes.